Sunday 11 May 2014




1 diwrnod ynghynt…

Co’ ni off… Amser i Pat i fynd â’r sbwriel allaNAAAAA! Pam mai Pat sy’n ffeindio gwenwyngac Beti?? Paid â chael dy demptio gan y ceirios ‘na Pat… Wy wastod wedi gweld rhywbeth digon creepy am geirios glacé. Od.

Richard druan yn sâl swp. Iaith ryngwladol y teledu am ‘Mae’r cymeriad hwn/hon yn feichiog’. Falle fod mwy o gyfrinache ar Crud-yr-Awel nag oedden ni’n meddwl? Naill ai hynna neu fod bwyd Sali mor sâl â’i sgyrsie rownd y ford…

Ah wrth gwrs, “PAAAT!” yw’r “LINDAAA!” newydd. Ma’ Pat ishe £20,000 i nôl charger Tony. I fod yn deg, dy’n nhw ddim lot chepach o’r Apple store. Hang-a-dang… Faint oedd y person anhysbys yn gofyn i Gruff am?

Ma’ Ben wedi dod ato’i hun go iawn drwy’r gyfres ‘ma, a wy’n rili falch. Mae e’n ddi-origami erbyn hyn wedi’r cyfarfodydd Origami Anonymous a mae ‘na obaith bach iddo fe ag Alex.

Ma’ Jac y Jwc wedi gweld dyddie gwell, do?

"O Sali Mali, tydi petha' heb fod yn dda iawn yn ddiweddar HO HO!"

BETH?! Conspiracy rhwng Bobo a Richard, a ma’ Richard wedi holi os yw Bobo “wedi cael gwared ar y corff”… Sa’i wir yn credu y base Bobo yn neud hitman da iawn. Bach yn dwp.

Fel pennod o Doctor Who, mae Beti yn raddol yn troi i fewn i un o’r dolie hunllefus sy’n llenwi’r lolfa. Ond dyma Ben o’r diwedd yn dod ar draws hen laptop Gruff wedi’i losgi! Dyma ni’n agosau at y gwirionedd.

“PAT! PAT!!”
Pat…?! Ow. Em. Jî. Nid Patricia mo hwn…

Ow. Em. Jî 2. Ma’ Jan yn fyw. Hir oes Jan…
A ma’ ‘na bartneriaeth newydd rhyngddi hi a Bobo. Arian a dirgelwch. Ond do’dd Richard ddim yn disgwyl ‘i bod hi nôl, ma’n debyg… 

Ma’ Caroline yn poeni am Bobo. Paid â phoeni, bach, os nad oes rhyuwn arall wedi trefnu’r hit ar Bobo, na’i neud e’n hunan. O, dyma fe, a Caroline yn dangos i ni gyd fod ganddi gloch ym MHOB dant. Ond be ddiawl sy’n bod ar ei brawd?

*ring ring*
Ma’ Ben wedi llwyddo (sut ddiawl??) i gael bach o wybodaeth oddi ar y laptop wedi’i ffrio, ac yn gwybod pwy oedd yn bygwth Gruff. NA!! Drama bois… JYST pan oedden ni’n meddwl fod gobaith iddyn nhw. Gytid.

Ma Richard yn edrych fel tase fe ‘di gweld ysbryd, ac yn mynd i lefen yn y bathrwm. Neu falle fod e’n siomedig fod e heb jyst mynd â’r teulu i’r archau aur am swper. Lot chepach, ond ych-a-fi.


Llythyr i Sali’n cyrraedd… Ac ynddi USB… C’mon Sali, paid a’n cadw’n aros!

Pat a cêc, Pat a cêc, rho fe i Tone,
Pat a cêc, Pat a cêc, peidiwch â sôn,
Pat a cêc, Pat a cêc, drychwch y mess,

Dyna be’ oedd ar yr USB… Fideo o sgwrs Richard a Bobo. Ma Sali’n gwbod y gwir. Falle neith hynna’i neud hi ychydig yn chwer… O na. A CERIAN sgwennodd y llythyr am affêr Richard a Rachel… Ac o’dd ei thad YN cael affêr… A ma hyn i gyd yn ormod i fi, fi angen lie-down!
Pwy sy’n dweud y gwir??
Un peth ‘wy YN ei wbod: dyw Richard ddim yn dda iawn yn paco cês.

A dyma ni nawr yn darganfod y gwir am Rachel, am Mark a’i affêr, am y gwir reswm tu ôl ei hunan-laddiad… Mae holl waith, holl gynllun Jan wedi bod yn dipyn o wastraff. Blydi hel, rhaid bo hi’n gytid am yr holl rhent ma’i ‘di talu am y tŷ ‘na. Dyw hi heb hyd yn oed dadbacio dim byd ‘na.

Ma’ Tony mewn tipyn o stâd. Ddim AR Tipyn o Stâd. Pwps ym mhobman. A nawr wy’n sylwi ar ‘i hot pants bach e. Neis, Tony, neis.

‘Dwi ddim yn gweld dyfodol hapus iawn i Huw a Caroline ar ôl iddi ddarganfod ei ‘frad’. Ond o leia ma’ ganddo ddyfodol disglair yn modelu i gatalog Kays.

"Hi. Fi 'di Huw... A dyma 'casual'..."

Ma’ popeth ar fîn cico off! Ceir a faniau du ym mhobman!

Jan a Bobo a Cerys a Mark a Caroline yn y gegin gyda gwaed ar y gyllell a GWAED AR Y GYLLELL fflipin eck! 

O’r diwedd ma’ Tony’n teimlo’n ddigon hael (wel) i gynnig yr arian i Pat. Ond sori, Tony, ma’i lawer rhy hwyr. 

Tipyn o sefyllfa draw yng ngegin Jan, ond gyda thipyn o “calm down, calm down” tactics ma’ Cerys yn saff. Ond neith Jan-neu-Becky byth o’i gweld hi eto. Arwyddocaol.

Jyst i ddweud, wy’ newydd wylio tan y diwedd gyda ‘ngwyneb yn fy nwylo. Blydi hel. A chryfach. 

A nawr y’n ni wedi gweld pwy gripiodd yn smic i fewn i’r gegin a phigo’r arf o’r llawr a lladd Jan. A wy’ wedi ‘nhemtio i beidio’u henwi nhw fan hyn, JYST rhag ofn bo chi heb wylio. Achos os nad y’ch chi di gwylio fe BLYDI GWYLIWCH E MAE E’N IMMENSE!

A dyma ni. Y diwedd. Ond yng ngwir draddodiad y gyfres, mae ‘na gwestiynnau ar ôl. A gewn ni fyth atebion? Pwy a wyr.

Y deigryn olaf un

Diolch am ddarllen dros yr wythnose dwetha, diolch am ail-drydar ac ymateb, a gobeithio y deith mwy o ddrama Cymreig YMEISING fel hyn yn fuan iawn.



1 day earlier…

Here we go… Time for Pat to take out the rubbishandNOOOOO! Why is Pat who’s had to find Beti’s toxicake? Don’t get tempted by the cherry topping Pat… I’ve always found glacé cherries somewhat creepy. See-through fruit? Creepy.

Poor Richard’s not well. Traditionally this is international TV language for ‘This character is pregnant’. Perhaps there are even more secrets on Crud-yr-Awel than we thought? Either that or Sali’s  cooking is as awful as her dinner-party conversation…

Ah of course, “PAAAT!” is totally this season’s “LINDAAA!”. Pat wants £20,000 to fetch Tony’s charger. In fairness, they’re not much cheaper from the Apple store.

Ben seems to have really come into his own throughout the series, and I’m glad. He’s quit his habit following his Origami Anonymous meetings, and there’s now a ray of hope for him and Alex.

SAYWHAT?! A conspiracy between Bobo a Richard, and Richard’s asking whether Bobo’s “disposed of the body…” I don’t really believe that Bobo would make a great hitman, do you? A tad dim.

"Errr I ffink I was, like, supposed to kill someone. Or someffink..."

Not unlike an episode Doctor Who, it seems Beti is gradually turning into one of those nightmarish dolls that litter her lounge. But look, Ben’s finally come across Gruff’s chargrilled laptop! Now we’re getting closer to the truth.

“PAT! PAT!!”
Pat…?! Oh. Emm. Gee. That ain’t Patricia…

Oh. Emm. Gee 2. Jan’s alive and kicking. Long live Jan…
And this new partnership between her and Bobo is interesting - cash and conspiracy. I bet old Richard wasn’t expecting her back…

Caroline’s worried about Bobo. Don’t worry, luv, if someone else hasn’t managed to put a hit out on him then I might. 
Oh, here he is. Great. And sister Caroline (not in a nunny way) proves she really does have a cloch in every dant. That’s a bell in every tooth, I believe. Not too sure why Bobo seems drunk though?

*ring ring*
Ben’s (miraculously!) managed to salvage data from the laptop bbq. I’m not sure how. My external hard drive which ALL techies advised me to get just started clicking one day, and nothing was retrievable. But THIS?
He’s found out who was threatening Gruff. NO!! Drama bois… JUST when we thought there may be hope for them. Gutted.

Richard looks as though he’s seen a ghost. Or maybe it was just the restaurant bill. Ah well mate, better that than staying in for another of Sali’s godforsaken dinner parties. Or a visit to the golden arches. Ych-a-fi.


Sali’s got a letter. No address… Just a USB… C’mon Sali, don’t keep us waiting!

Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, give it to Tone,
Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, or he will moan,
Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, look at his mess,

That’s what was on the USB… A cunning video of Richard and Bobo’s chat. Sali now knows about the hit, and she ain’t happy. Best be careful or she’ll turn a little bitte… Oh yes. She’s there. And it turns out that CERIAN wrote the original letter about Richard and Rachel’s alleged affair… And her dad WAS having an affair… Although he’s still denying it… And this is all too much and I need a lie down!
Who’s telling the truth??
One thing I know (as S Club 8 - formerly S Club Juniors - once famously said or sang on their album ‘Sundown’) - Richard doesn’t pack a case very well.

And now we get to the truth about Rachel, about Mark’s affair, about the truth behind her suicide… Only partly down to the tribunal and dealings with Richard… Jan’s plotting and planning has been something of a waste. Bloody hell, after all the rent she must have paid on that house.
She hasn’t even unpacked properly.

Tony’s in a right state. Poop everywhere. Oh Tony. And it’s  only now that I’m noticing his lovely little hotpants. Sweet, Tony, sweet.

I must say that I don’t see a bright and happy future for Caroline and Huw once she discovers his ‘betrayal’. Even though he’s just trying to remove that imbecile form his home. At least he does stand a chance of employment as a Kays catalogue model:

"Hi, yeah, I'm Huw. And this... Is 'casual'..."

Everything is about. To kick. Off. Black cars and vans everywhere!

Jan and Bobo and Cerys and Mark and now Caroline in the kitchen and blood on the knife and BLOOD ON THE KNIFE OMG! 

At last Tony’s found it in his heart (of course now) to offer Pat the money she needs.
Sorry Tony, mate. It’s way too late.

There’s a right old situation ocurring in Jan’s kitchen, but with just a little “calm down, calm down” tactics, it settles and Cerys is safe in her dad’s arms. But Jan-or-Becky will never see her again. Significant.

I must say - I’ve just watched to the end of the episode. With my face in my hands. Bloody hell. Again. And stronger. 

And now we’ve seen who creeped into Jan’s kitchen, picked up the weapon and committed the act. And I’m tempted to not name them here at all… Just in case you haven’t watched the episode just yet. Because if you haven’t watched it yet, WHY HAVEN’T YOU WATCHED IT YET?! IT’S IMMENSE!

And there we are. The end. 8 episodes; 3+ deaths (yeah, count ‘em); and 5,001 questions. Some unanswered… But if we weren’t left with questions then this wouldn’t be 35 Diwrnod. And it wouldn’t be drama.

The final tear...

Thank you so, so much for reading over the past few weeks, thank you for retweeting and responding and here’s to much more high-quality Welsh drama on our screens very soon, eh?
