Sunday 4 May 2014




Ma pethe’n cyffrou ar stâd Crud-yr-Awel bois bach!

3 diwrnod yngynt… (diddorol - ynghynt, nid yng nghynt nawr ife?)

WAA! Ma’ Ben wedi’i ddihuno gan hunllef… Neu gan y soddgrythwr sydd wrthi’n tiwnio yn y bathrwm. Falle mai Beti sydd wrthi’n ymarfer? Ond na, ‘sna ddim golwg ohoni. 

Ah ie dyma fe, ac ym, dylser byth chwerthin ar anffawd rhywun arall, ond OMG, Tony mewn dau gast? HAAA!! “LindAAAAA!!”
Falle dylse fe gael cloch fach.

Ma’ Jan yn joio’i car-chases, a nawr ma’n ymddangos ei bod hi am gael un arall, gyda Richard y tro hwn.

Diddorol, ma Linda wedi cael cynnig ‘audition’ arall… Ond pan mae’n dweud ‘audition’, sai’n credu mai ‘audition’ ma’ hi wir yn ei feddwl…

Hwrêêê ma’ Melodi nôl, ond yn siomedig iawn, ma’ rhywun wedi rhoi olew ar olwyn ei beic ers pennod un. Lot llai creepy erbyn hyn.

Grêt i weld bo cymeriad hyd yn oed llai hoffus na Tony wedi cyrraedd y stâd. Helo ‘Bobo’. Anghyfrifol ac esgeulus, ma’ angen shiglad go iawn ar hwn. Wy’n gwbod pwy ddeith i’r fei…

Ar ôl wythnosau o Jan yn holi a chroesholi, yn chwilio am atebion, nawr mae Richard ar mission ac wedi cyrraedd drws Mark (aka Boi y Gwn). ‘Sen i’n tybio mai nyce Mark ni nath e, reit, oblegid ma’ Mark ni’n gw’boi. 
Yn ôl y sôn.
Ydy Jan wedi rhaffu gormod o gelwyddau, neu wedi’i chlymu hi’i hun fewn i wê rhy gymhleth erbyn hyn? Stand-off! Stand-off, a bygythiad gan Richard… 

Cwôt y gyfres gan Ben aka Mr Craff: “Ma’ rhywun yn deud celwydd…”
Ie, da iawn boi.

Druan â Tony, yn gaeth i’r gwely yn ei blasters. Gobeithio cewn ni’i weld e’n cerdded o gwmpas y tŷ  fel’na… Yn wadlan… Plis gewn ni? Plîs, plîs, plîîî… Na sa’i moun gweld Bobo yn y bath! NA! SA’I MOUN! NAAAAAAA!!

Mae’n nôs yng Nghrud-yr-Awel. A ma Stan ar fîn dod draw at Sali a Richard am dinner party. Ma’n amlwg bo’ rhain yn cynnal ciniawau gyda gwahanol westeion bob tro - wedi gweld pa mor anodd mae’r sgwrs dros y ford ginio, ma’n anodd dychmygu y base unrywun awydd dod nôl…
Sali’n llwyddo i neud i Richard edrych fel ffŵl… Bron iddo ddefnyddio’r tray arian ‘na fel arf fynna, weles i.
Edrych felse Bobo ishe dod mewn i’r parti… Achub dy hun Bobo… PAID A BODDRAN!

Ma’ gan Jan gwmni ac… O!! Cerian ife? Tybed am be’ ma’ nhw’n siarad am yr holl oriau maen nhw gyda’i gilydd?

O, Linda. Y dorth.
“Pat… Bydde fe’n neis bo ti’n cael cariad…”
Wrth gwrs base fe. Ti ‘di trïo bod yn fenyw trawsrywiol yn chwilio am gariad, lyf? This ain’t about Pat and yooooo knows it! Ma pethe’n ddrwg yn seion rhwng Pat a Lynda, i’r radde bo Pat yn trïo sbwylo’r ffilm ma’ nhw’n gwylio.

Mae Beti. Yn eithriadol. O dawel. Ni ddeallaf. 

Cerian wedi’i ffeindio yn gorwedd yn y stryd gan yr heddlu?? Ai dyma ffordd Jan o gosbi Richard?

2 ddiwrnod ynghynt…

Os nagyw Tony’n ofalus neith e ffeindio’i hun adre ar ben ei hun â neb i’w helpu. Mae e’n bell o fod yn model patient

Pam bo Richard adre heb Cerian…? A ddim yn fodlon ateb Jac? Apparently ma’ Cerian dal yn HD. Da i wybod fod hynna’n glir te… (meddyliwch am hynna).
A nawr ma’ Richard ar mission i ddatgelu’r gwir gan Jan. RÊJ! A ma’ Beti wedi dod i’w helpu! O… O’n i’n gobeithio base Beti’n cico’r drws lawr gyda ryw fath o ninja-cic.

Sgilie cudd Beti...

Na, Pat, paid byth â darllen tecst dy ffrind… Neith e ddim ond arwain at… O wel o’n i’n anghywir. Dyw Lynda ddim yn mynd i ddatgelu’r gwir, ma’ Pat wedi mynd yn syth at Tony! Dyma SÎN!
Na, dyma cwôt y gyfres:
LYNDA: “Ti o’dd yn llenwi’r twll yn fy mhriodas i…”

“Linda! Lindaaa! LINDAAAAA!”

Ta-ta Linda. O, a dyna ni eto: “Dy fai di yw hyn i gyd.” #clasur
NAAAA druan o Pat, ei ffrind wedi rhedeg off am showmans, gan ei gadael hi gyda dim ond Tony. The Odd Couple os bu un erioed…

Tybiaf fod Sali wedi bod yn dysgu gan Joey Tribbiani. Actio ‘gwynto’r rech’.

"Sori... Odych chi'n smelo... Ym...?"

Cer mla’n Jan… BYTA’R CAC! BYTA’R CAC! BYTA’R CAC! Na. Mae’n dychwelyd y gac / y cac… Siom.

- Ma’ gan Jan elynion ym mhobman ond pwy yw’r un sy’n euog?
- A fydd Pat yn nyrsio Tony nôl yn iach, neu ydy hwn am droi allan fel Misery?
- Pwy fydd yn byta’r gacen ma’ Jan wedi’i ddychwelyd?
- A geith Caroline a Huw drafferth am yr arian ma’ Bobo wedi’i roi iddynt, ac o le ddiawl ddaeth e?
- Pwy roiodd olew ar olwynion beic Melodi?

Dyma ni gydag un bennod i fynd, a Chrud-yr-Awel mor boeth a Chracatoa bois bach!



Things are getting really exciting on Crud-yr-Awel bois bach!

3 days earlier…

WAAH! Ben’s woken from a nightmare… Possibly by the cellist who seems to be tuning up in the bathroom. Or maybe it’s Beti rehearsing? Nope, there’s no sign of her 

Ah here’s our favourite, and although one should never laugh at the misfortune of others, in this case… OMG, Tony in two plastercasts? HAAA!! “LindAAAAA!!”
Maybe he should have his own little bell.

Jan seems to enjoy a good car-chase, and now it looks like she’s going to have another, this time with Richard.
Never comes to much though.

Interesting, Linda’s been offered another ‘audition’… But when she says ‘audition’, I don’t find myself believing that it’s really an ‘audition’…

Hooraaaaaay, Melodi’s back, but rather disappointingly, somebody seems to have oiled her bicycle wheels since episode one. Much less creepy now.

Great to see a character even less likeable than Tony on the estate. Hello ‘Bobo’. Irresponsible and careless, he doesn’t seem to care very much that there’s a ‘hit’ out on him. I mean, he does look the type to just ‘blend in’ doesn’t he?

After weeks of Jan’s questioning and investigating, Richard now seems to be on a mission for answers and has reached Mark’s door (yes, Gun Lad).
Has Jan woven too tangled a web of deceit that now she’s right stuck in it? Stand-off! Stand-off, and a threat from Richard… 

Quote of the series so far from Ben aka Mr Astut: “Ma’ rhywun yn deud celwydd…” / “Someone’s telling lies…”
Yes. Well done, sir.

Poor Tony there, stuck in bed in his plastercasts. I do hope we get to see him trying to walk around the house like that… Waddling around the house… Please can we? Please, please pleee… No I do NOT want to see Bobo in the bath! NO! Don’t want to! NOOOOO!!

Night falls. And Stan is apparently on his way to Sali and Richard’s for one of their lovely dinner parties. You know, the ones with the terrible lack of conversation and people looking at each other awkwardly. With distaste. It’s no wonder it’s Stan’s first visit, I don’t imagine many come back after their first experience there…
Sali, of course, makes Richard look a fool… I’m almost surprised he didn’t just use that tray as a weapon. He came close.
Oh, even Bobo wants in on the dinner party action… Save yourself Bobo… DON’T BOTHER!

Jan’s got company… Oh!! Cerian? I wonder what they manage to fill the hours of conversation with? There were some awkward truths last time they spoke.

Oh, Linda. You tit.
“Pat… It would be nice if you had someone…”
Well of course it would be. Have you ever tried being a transsexual woman looking for love, love? This ain’t about Pat and yooooo knows it! Things are bad between Pat and Lynda, to the point where Pat tries to spoil the film they’re watching. Looks boring anyway.

Beti. Is very. Quiet. Je ne comprends pas. 

Cerian has been found lying in the street by police?? Is this Jan’s way of punishing Richard?

2 days earlier…

If Tony’s not careful he may just find himself home alone, and without the home hellp. He’s far from being a model patient…

Why is Richard home without Cerian…? And unwilling to answer Jac? Apparently Cerian’s still in HD. I’m glad that’s clear then… (think about that one).
And now Richard ’s really on a mission to get the truth out of Jan. RAGE! And Beti’s come to help! Oh… I was hoping Beti would kick the door down with some sort of Mortal Kombat-style move. Never mind.

Don't mess with Beti...

No, Pat, don’t ever read a friend’s text… And never ever pronounce the words ‘texts’ as ‘texes’. I hate that. This can only lead to being found out… Oh well I was wrong. Linda isn’t going to simply ‘uncover’ the truth or catch her in the act - Pat’s gone straight to Tony! What a SCENE!
I was wrong again. THIS is the quote of the series:
LYNDA: “You filled the hole in my marriage…”

“Linda! Lindaaa! LINDAAAAA!”

Ta-ta Linda.
NOOOO poor Pat, her friend’s run off with a no-good director, leaving her with old Tony. The Odd Couple if ever there was one…

I suspect Sali’s been attending the Joey Tribbiani school of smell-the-fart acting…

"Sorry... Can you smell...?"

Go on Jan… EAT THE CAKE! EAT THE CAKE! EAT THE CAKE! No. She’s returned it instead. Shame.

- Jan now has an array of enemies on the estate, but who will commit the murderous act?
- Will Pat nurse Tony back to health, or decide to recreate scenes from Misery?
- Who will eat the cake Jan returned to Beti’s?
- Will Caroline and Huw get into trouble for the money Bobo gave them, and where did it come from? 
- Who oiled the wheels on Melodi’s bicycle?

With only ONE episode left, Crud-yr-Awel is about to get hotter than Krakatoa!
