Sunday 30 March 2014




A dyma ni eto… 29 diwrnod yng nghynt.

Ma’ Tony’n gwitho mas yn y garej… ac AHA! Dyma hi, ‘y corff’ yn fyw! Ond dy’n ni dal ddim cliriach ynglŷn â phwy yw’r person yma. Ddim eto…

Ma Gruff yn edrych ar bŵbîs yn y sied… Ond bŵbîs pwy tybed? Dwi’n teimlo na fydd y rhaglen gwis yna’n cael comisiwn yn fuan iawn. Dyw Cymru ddim yn barod.

Oooo, ma Jac wedi symud ymlaen. ‘Sgwn i be fydd teimladau Richard am hyn, yn enwedig gan y basai hyn yn golygu gweld llai o Bethan yn y tŷ.

Nôl â ni at Gruff yn ei sied a ma fe’n… O mae e’n codi ac yn… Na… Na! NAAAAAA!! #worldsbestcutaway #diolchirdrefn

Wrth y wisg, ma’ Jan naill ai’n flight attendant neu’n gweithio yn y Kwik-Save lleol. Diddorol.

O ma Ben yn joio origami. O’n i’n arfer neud lot o origami fel bachgen. Ma Ben yn dda gyda’r garanod. O’n i’n arbenigwr ar ‘y mhysgod. Sgwn i pwy sa’n ennill mewn brwydr.

Dyma’r tro cynta i’r trigolion gael cipolwg ar eu cymydog newydd, ond rhyfedd bo neb wedi mynd â chac* rownd eto.

*Cac = teisen NID caca pwps. Anaddas basai hynny fel anrheg.

Jiw ma Gruff yn joio’r sied ‘na… Ond o diar, dim cymaint nawr ‘i fod e wedi’i ddala allan! O diar, mae e mewn strach.

Licen i weld ffeit rhwng Pat a Tony. Credu ‘sa hi’n ‘i rwygo fe’n ddarne.

WRTH GWRS mai Beti yw’r cynta i fynd ag anrheg croeso draw at Jan. Cacen? Wel, fi sy’n dyfalu mai cacen yw hi ond falle wir mai HANGONMA’IDIROIDEYNYBIN! Cacen Beti’n syth i’r bin? Dim ond un dehongliad sydd: bitsh llwyr. Neu alergedd i wyau. Yr ail basai hi yn fy achos i.

Nawr fi’n caru Pat mwy nag erioed… Mae hi’n neud karaoke!! Yn bersonol, sa’ well gen i wisgo ffrog a heels na neud karaoke.

Ma Jan wedi dod i ymuno yn y parti… Tybed os fydd ‘na gystadleuaeth codi aeliau. Sali enillith. Hands down. Meistres Yr Ael Heb Ei Hail.

Gruff wedi ymuno, ond yn edrych fel petai e wedi gweld ysbryd… Dyw hi ddim ‘di marw eto boi.

O Tony, ca’ dy falog mêt… Y pyrf!

O’n i’n poeni bo Jan yn mynd i gerdded i fewn i’r bathrŵm i ddarganfod y gerddorfa’n tiwnio. Braidd yn embarrassing. Ond ma hi… Ymm… Be ma hi’n NEUD? Ishe sane smeli Richard?? Sai’n gweld bai a bod yn onest.

Y bore wedyn’ny a ma pawb yn diodde ychydig bach. Gruff o embaras a pharanoia; Pat o fysedd gludog… 

Linda a Pat yn swopio anrhegion Nadolig. Neis. Pat wedi cael rhybeth bach bach i Linda. Gydag arian Linda. Wps. Linda wedi prynu Fabergé egg i Pat. Joio. Tony ddim wir am ymuno yn yr hwyl. O’n i ddim yn tybio mai Tony fase ffan mwya dathliadau’r Nadolig.

O… O! Ffeit ar y stryd! Ahhh nawr ma fe ychydig mwy fel Ramsey Street.

Iasu mowr ma Ben wedi mynd ‘chydig bach dros-ben-llestri da’r origami!! Ma’i gasgliad o FHMs wedi’u rhwygo’n ddarne a’r lle’n edrych mwy fel aviary Sŵ Caer… Yn y ffordd mwya creepy erioed.

“O’s rhywun ti’n lico heblaw am dy hunan, Sali?” #quoteoftheweek

Www nawr te pam bo Jan yn llefen? Rhaid bo hi wir ddim yn lico’r syniad o ISAs.

Beth am edrych nôl ar yr hyn y’n ni wedi’i ddysgu’r wythnos hon:

- Nid ‘cariad’ sy’ rhwng Caroline a Tony, jyst ishe ffafr yn lle’i dâl rhent mae e… Ond beth yw oblygiade pellach hyn?

- Erbyn hyn ma gyda ni syniad gwell o beth yw cyfrinach Gruff, a’i benbleth, ond nid pwy sy’n ei bygythbrisio? Pat? Neu ‘di hynna braidd yn rhy amlwg?

- Sut ma salwch meddyliol Ben yn effeithio ar ei ymddygiad?

- Ma Jan yn hynod o gyfrinachol - ai shei yw hi neu oes ganddi rhywbeth mawr i’w guddio?

- Ai “Sali - yn y lolfa - gyda’r aeliau” yw’r ateb i’r dirgelwch? 



And here we are again… 29 days earlier.

Tony’s working out in the garage… and AHA! Her she is, ‘the body’, alive and well! But we’re still no clearer as to who ‘she’ is. Not yet…

Gruff appears to be looking at boobs in the shed. But whose boobs? I’ve a feeling ‘Whose Boobs’ won’t be commissioned anytime soon. Wales isn’t ready.

Oooo, looks like Jac’s moved on. I wonder how Richard will feel about this, as that would mean seeing less of Bethan about…

Back we go to Gruff in his shed and he’s… Oh he’s getting up and… No… No! NOOOOO!! #worldsbestcutaway #praisebe

Judging by her uniform, I’m guessing that Jan is a flight attendant. Or possibly works at the local Kwik Save. Interesting.

Oh Ben enjoys origami. I used to enjoy it myself as a bot. Ben’s good with his cranes. I was more of a fishy specialist. I wonder who’d win in an origami-off?

This is the first time for the residents to catch a peek of their new neighbour, but I wonder why nobody’s yet taken her a little cake?

Wow Gruff really likes it in his shed… But oh dear, maybe not quite so much now that he’s been caught out! Now he’s in a pickle. All because of a pickle. Ahem.

I wonder who’d win in a fight between Pat and Tony. I think she’d rip him to pieces. They really don’t like each other, do they?

OF COURSE Beti’s first to take Jan a gift. Cake? I’m only guessing that it’s a cake but who knows, it could be HANGONSHE’STHROWNITINTHEFLIPPINGBIN! Beti’s cake straight in the bin? There can be only one conclusion: complete bitch. Or egg allergy. In my case it would be the latter.

Now I love Pat more than ever… Singing on the karaoke!! Personally I’d sooner wear a frock and heels than do karaoke, but that’s just me.

Jan’s joined the party… I wonder whether there’ll be an eyebrow-raising competition? Sali’d win. Hands down. The Eyebrow Queen.

Gruff’s joined too, but looks as though he’s seen a ghost… She’s not even dead yet boio.

Oh Tony, wind it in mate… Perve.

I was worried that Jan would walk into the toilet and find a tuning orchestra. Embarrassing. But instead she’s… Err… What’s she DOING? Taking Richard’s stinky socks?? Well who can blame her. What a treat.

It’s the morning after and everyone’s suffering a little: Gruff’s emarrassed; Pat’s got sticky fingers… 

Linda and Pat swap Christmas gifts. Nice. Pat’s got a little tiny something for Linda. Not from her own pocket… And Linda appears to have purchased Pat a Fabergé egg. Tony doesn’t seem to be feeling the Christmas spirit. This is no great surprise.

Oh… Oh! Street fight! HUSBAND AND WIFE STREET FIGHT Ahhh now it feels more like Ramsay Street.

Holy paper-folding Batman, Ben’s gone a tad overboard with the origami! Seems his FHM collection has been depleted and and now his room looks like the creepiest interpretation of the aviary at Chester Zoo…

“Do you like anybody apart from yourself, Sali?” #quoteoftheweek

Oooh now why is Jan crying? Must have been something Richard said about ISAs. Financial decisions are hard for me, too, luv.

What have we learned this week, then?

- It’s not so much ‘love’ fuelling Caroline and Tony’s affair - more her obligation to him due to unpaid rent? But what ramifications will this have…

- By now we have a better idea of Gruff’s dirty secret, but now we ask who is blackmailing him? Pat? Or is that a little too obvious?

- How is Ben’s emotional state and medication really affecting him?

- Jan’s very secretive - is she simply shy or does she have something big to hide?

- Is “Sali - in the lounge - with the eyebrows” the answer to the entire mystery? 