Sunday 6 April 2014




Diddorol - mae’r sylwadau a’r drafodaeth ar Twitter wedi’i rhannu’n ddwy - “Hynod ddiddorol” a “Rhy araf”. Sa’i wedi cyfrannu i’r gyfres, ond se’n i’n gofyn: nagyw hi LOADS gwell i ddarganfod pethe am bob cymeriad yn slow bach drwy’r bennod a thrwy’r gyfres? Nage 'drama' yw ffeindio popeth mas am bawb yn ystod pum munud gynta pennod un…

Dwi'n gweld eisie 'Teulu'. Eniwei...

25 diwrnod yng nghynt…

PWY yw Jan? Mae gan bawb arall rywun maen nhw’n rhannu ty gyda nhw / rhannu gwely gyda nhw / trafod y bydysawd gyda nhw, ond nid Jan. Gyda Jan ma angen i ni aros a bod yn amyneddgar, wy’n teimlo, er mwyn darganfod mwy. OND WY ISHE GWBOD NAWR.

Uh-oh, pwy ma Tony’n anelu am gyda’i wn hiwj y tro hwn…? Dyna ni. Jet wash yw hi. O’n i wastod wedi tybio falle fod Tony’n poeni am faint ei ddryll, a dyma’r prawf falle. Mae e’n dipyn o ferchetwr, ond sut mae e’n eu cael nhw?

Aha ma Caroline wedi dial ar ei gwr am iddo werthu’i char. Retail therapy

Dyma Ben. Ben, druan, sy’n pendroni rhwng aros yn y gegein gyda Beti, ei fam a’i pharablu di-stop, a’r ystafell wely mwya creepy ers The Excorcist. Ond gyda llai o chwd, a mwy o origami. Nes i ychydig o ymchwil fewn i gymeriad Ben, ac er ei fod e’n arfer bod yn athro, na’th e roi crap ar fod yn ddylunydd ffasiwn.

Ond barodd e ddim yn hir.

Dyma Gruff yn neud creepy dyn-yn-y-coed acshyn. Chwilio am foch daear siwr o fod. A na! Allan yn cadw llygad ar y bin lle roiodd e’r sach o arian… Be wy ishe gwbod yw pwy o’dd ishe’r arian yna? Be sy’ gyda nhw yn erbyn Gruff? A pam ‘i fod e mor awyddus i gadw’r llun o’i fijibo yn gyfrinach? Ma Tony wedi codi drwgdybion Gruff am Pat, a’i bod hi angen arian am ei llawdriniaeth… Yn bersonol, dwi’n amau y base Pat ychydig yn fwy clyfar na hynna.

NA! PAT! Be sy’ ‘di digwydd? Ma cyfeillgarwch Pat a Linda yn ffefryn gen i. Pam wedodd rhywun fod “neb yn gwenu” ar ystad Crud-yr-Awel, se’n i’n anghytuno - ma’r ddwy ‘ma’n cal laff gyda’i gilydd. Ond wotsh owt Pat… Ma Gruff yn y sied eto gyda’i flowtortsh. Y’n ni’n gwbod yn union be’ mae e’n feddwl…

Sdim byd fel creme brulee i godi gwen.

Ma tueddiad gen i weithie i ddiystyrru’r cymeriadau hŷn, ond wy’n anghofio fod cymeriadau fel Beti a Gruff wedi byw bywyd hirach, wedi casglu mwy o sgerbydau ac yn cario lot mwy o ‘baggage’. Ma’ nhw wedi bod gyda’i gilydd ers blynyddoedd ond dy’n ni ddim yn ‘u gweld nhw’n ishte lawr i rannu’u teimladau a joio. 

NA! Ddales i hi… Ma Sali yn gwenu! Ac yn chwerthin! I fod yn deg ma’r speaking clock yn real laff ar ol peint neu ddou.

Be ‘wy WIR ishe gweld yn digwydd yw dou neu dri o’r cymdogion yn bwmpo mewn i’w gilydd yn y llwyni…

“O! Ymm… Helo. Noson oer, ondyw hi?”
“Ha! Ydy… O’n i jyst yn… Ymm… Whilo am… Fochyn daear! Ie. Mochyn daear.”
“Yr un yma?”
“Na. O’dd y’n un i’n fwy… Tew.”

Ma’ gan Richard a Jan hanes. Deffinit. Tro dwetha es i rownd i ddweud ‘Nadolig Llawen’ wrth gymydog newydd nethon nhw wenu a’i ddweud e nol… Ond dim ond edrych mor swrth â Kerry Katona pan fo’r siop jips wedi cau ‘naeth Jan. Y’n ni’n gwbod fod Richard dan y fawd ond pam, huh, pam?


Dywedaf eto:


oblegid dyma oedd fy actshiwal ymateb wrth i Ben anghofio mai nid pice-ar-y-man oedd ei law. Easy mistake. Ma’ stori Ben yn sicr yn un dwi ishe weld yn cael ei datblygu nawr - y’n ni’n gwbod ychydig baaach o’i hanes, ond beth yn union ddigwyddodd iddo?

Nawr te. Ma Jan wedi mynd i dŷ arall. Nage ystâd cyfoethog fel Crud-yr-Awel yw hon. Ac o, ma ganddi deulu yna! So ma’ Jan yn gwisgo’i dillad gwaith, yn gadael y tŷ ac yn mynd i weld teulu / ei theulu… Fally beth yw ei gêm hi?

22 diwrnod yng nghynt… DYDD NADOLIG!

Tymor ewyllys da yn wir, a wy’n siwr fod teuluoedd ar hyd a lled y wlad yn chwerthin wrth adnabod deinameg ‘Nadoligaidd’ Tony a Pat wrth y ford ginio. Ma’r tensiwn rhwng y ddou yma’n amazing. Cue Gruff yn torri ar draws y cyfan gyda’i offer llawdriniaeth ‘rustic’. Dyn ar ben ei dennyn… Ond y’n ni’n gwbod mai nid Pat sy’n ei chael hi yn y pen draw, felly be sy’n mynd i ddatblygu dros yr wythnosau nesa?

Ma Huw a Caroline ishe mynd i’r Maldives. Tocynnau’n barod. A’r cyffuriau yn y fforest. Dyma bicil. Bonnie a Clyde yr ystâd = yr unig bryd ma’ nhw i weld yn dod ymlaen â’i gilydd yw pan ma’ nhw’n cynllwynio. Ond jiw, ma’ nhw’n edrych fel tîm do dda. A se’n i ddim yn moun bod ar yr ochr anghywir iddyn nhw… Yn enwedig Caroline!

- Ma’ Jan o hyd yn llawn cyfrinachau (hei, nagy’n ni gyd?) ond y’n ni’n amau nawr fod ‘na ryw fath o stori rhyngddi hi a Richard a bo bywyd dwbl ganddi. Dybl-o-Jan
- Dyw Ben ddim wedi bod yn cymryd ei feddyginiaeth, sydd ond yn mynd i gyfrannu at ei iselder. Lle all hwn arwain? Tebyg mai at fwy o origami…
- Dylen ni fyth, byth mynd yn agos at sied dŵls Gruff. Ma’n edrych fel 'Saw 8' mewn fynna… 
- Dyw Tony RILI RILI ddim yn lico sbrowts. Na Pat. Posib iawn fod Dybl-o-Jan wedi coginio llond cegin o sbrowts cyn i Tony cael rêj anferthol a mynd dros-ben-llestri. Tybed…?

Beth y’ch chi’n feddwl?



Interesting - the discussion on Twitter is pretty split between “very interesting” and “too slow”. I feel nicely impartial as I haven’t contributed to the series, so I would ask: isn’t it LOADS better to uncover characters’ secrets and lies little by little through the episodes? Wouldn’t we lose the ‘drama’ by finding everything out about everyone during the first five minutes of episode one…?

That would be as shallow as David Walliams’ talent.

25 days earlier…

WHO is Jan? Other characters have somebody with whom they share a house / a bed / a conversation, apart from Jan. I’m thinking that with Jan we’ll need to be patient before we discover more. BUT I WANT TO KNOW NOW!

Uh-oh, who’s Tony aiming for with his huge gun this time? Oh look - it’s a jetwasher. Yes, I’d suspected that Tony was somewhat concerned about the size of his weapon, and here’s the proff. He’s quite the womanizer, but how the devil does he get them?

Aha Caroline’s exacting her revenge on her husband for the sale of her car: Retail therapy.

Here’s Ben. Poor, poor Ben, caught between his ever-babbling mother, Beti, in the kitchen, and the creepiest bedroom since The Excorcist. But with less vomit and more origami. I happened to research Ben’s character and apparently he tried his hand at fashion design before his teaching career.

He didn’t last too long…

Gruff’s up to his usual creepy-man-in-the-woods action. Looking for badgers, no doubt. Ah no! He’s keeping an eye on the bin into which he deposited a bag of cash for his blackmailer, but who exactly is it? What do they have against old Gruff? And why’s he so eager to keep that picture of his privates so… Private? Tony’s managed to raise his suspicions around Pat - apparently she’s in desperate need of cash for her medical procedure… Personally, I’d tend to think that Pat’s a little more resourceful than that. Blackmail is SO ‘80s.

NO! PAT! What’s happened luv? Pat and Linda’s friendship is great. When somebody tweeted that “nobody smiles” in Crud-yr-Awel, I’d have to disagree - these two have a hoot together. But watch out Pat… Gruff’s back in the torture shed with blowtorch in hand. I hope he realises that melting the laptop won’t destroy the internet and all of the data stored on it…

At times I’m guilty of dismissing older characters (it happens a lot in TV and film) and we sometimes forget that characters like Beti and Gruff have lived longer lives, gathered more skeletons and baggage. I know, obvious, right? These two characters have been together for many, many years yet we never see them sitting down to enjoy a vino and a chat. June and Leon off of Gogglebox they aren’t.

NO WAY! I caught her… Sali smiled! And chuckled! In fairness, that speaking clock guy is a RIGHT laugh after a pint.

What I’d really like to see happening is some of the many neighbours crawling through the bushes actually bumping into each other…

“Oh! Ermm… Hello. Chilly night, eh?”
“Ha! Yes… I was just… Ermm… Looking for… Badgers! Yes. A badger.”
“This badger here?”
“Oh. No. Mine was more ermm… Fat.”

Richard and Jan have history. Definitely. The last time I went round to see a neighbour and wished them a ‘Merry Christmas’ they said it back… Whereas Jan just looked like Kerry Katona outside her closed local chippy. We know that Richard’s under the thumb, and why, but what’s going on here, huh, huh, huh?


I say once more:


for this was my very genuine reaction as I watched Ben forget that his hand was not, in fact, a Welsh cake and place it on the skillet. Easy mistake. Ben’s story’s definitely one I’d like to see develop soon - we know a little about him, but what had this enormous effect on him and turned his life upside-down?

Now then. Jan’s at a different house. This ain’t no gated community like Crud-yr-Awel. And oh, oh she’s got a family! So Jan gets dressed up in her work clothes, leaves the house and then heads off to see a/her family… What’s her game?

22 days earlier… CHRISTMAS DAY! (I think!)

’Tis the season to be jolly and I’m sure that families up and down the country will recognise Tony and Pat’s ‘Christmassy’ dynamic at the dinner table. 
The tension between these two is quite amazing. Cue Gruff cutting across the ‘lovely’ dinner with his ‘rustic’ operating equipment. This is a man at the end of his tether… But we know that it’s not Pat who pays the ultimate price at the end of all this, so what exactly will develop over the next few weeks?

Huw and Caroline want to go to the Maldives. Tickets are ready. And drugs in the forest. Here’s a pickle. Bonnie and Clyde by ‘ere - the only time they seem to get along is when they’re plotting. But ooh, they do look like a pretty formidable team, and I certainly wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of them. Especially Caroline!

- Jan is still full to the brim with secrets (hey, aren’t we all?) but we’re casting our beady eye now on hers and Richard’s history and her double life. Double-oh-Jan
- Ben hasn’t been taking his medication which, surely, will only lead to his mental condition worsening. Where will this lead? Probably to a fair bit more origami…
- One should never, ever go near Gruff’s toolshed. It’s like Saw 8 in there, man… 
- Tony REALLY REALLY does not like sprouts. Or Pat. We must question whether poor Jan cooked a bucketload of brussels sprouts resulting in an uncontrollable sprout-fuelled rage from Tony leading to murder. Maybe.

What do you think??

