Sunday 27 April 2014




7 diwrnod yng nghynt…

Ma Tony off i ddechreuad da, ac yn styrran ar ei orau drwy ddatgelu’r gwirionedd am gostau rhent ei dŷ wrth Huw. Amser am drafodaeth ‘ysgafn’ gyda Caroline, ie ie?
Yn ôl y sôn, ma’ ‘na reol bisâr ymysg sgriptwyr sy’n dweud: ym mhob cyfres ddrama Gymreig, rhaid bod o leiaf un person yn yngan y geiriau “DY FAI DI YW HYN!” 
A dyma ni.
Yn ôl ei wraig, ‘unig ddewis’ Huw yw i werthu’r cyffuriau ‘naeth e guddio mewn boncyff ym mhennod un. ‘Sen i’n bersonol yn trïo cael sgwrs fach gyda HSBC* cyn trïo gwerthu llond parsel o ddrygs, ond dyna ni, ni gyd yn wahanol ondy’n ni?

*mae banciau a sefydliadau ariannol eraill ar gael. Oll cyn waethed â’i gilydd.

Ma’ Pat druan fel Sinderela o gwmpas y tŷ ‘na… A siom iddi heno wrth glywed fod Lynda wedi bod yn dweud celwydd wrthi. Na! Wy’n joio’r ysgafnder yn y cyfeillgarwch ‘ma - sa’i ishe gweld nhw’n cwympo mas nawr.

JAN JAN JAN! Be’ ti’n blincin’ neud? 
Dyw Jan ddim yn hapus gyda Richard, yn amlwg, ac anelu’r dryll ato… Wel, trwy drws y bathrwm wrth gwrs. Tipyn o rwystr fynna.
Joio’r ffaith ‘mod i ddim cweit yn gwybod 100% ei bod hi ddim am dynnu’r clicied.

6 diwrnod yng nghynt…

Aeth ddoe yn sydyn, do? Rhaid mai dydd Gwener oedd hi.

Ma’ Huw ‘di ffindo hanner y rhent, gyda’r gweddill yn dod ar ddiwedd y mis. Gobitho na gath e pay-day loan gydag interest o 3758%. Aw.


Yn ei gwisg goch NEIDIODD Jan o'r car fel fflach...

Dwi newydd sylwi, gyda holl dristwch a chymysgwch emosiynol Beti wedi marwolaeth Gruff, ma Ben i weld yn llawer fwy stable. Dyw e ddim wedi cyffwrdd â’r origami ers wythnose… Diddorol.

Beti y’n ni’n galw’n mam ni hefyd. Petai hi hanner mor siaradus a di-stop â hon, se’n i wedi’i gyrru hi draw i Shady Pines ymhell cyn hyn…

Ma Jan mewn picil nawr, ma Mark (neu ‘Boi y Gwn’) wedi’i dilyn ac yn achosi bach o sîn ar Crud-yr-Awel. AHAAAA… Nawr te, ma’n amheuon ni’n dechre cael eu datrys a’u hateb. O’n i wedi amau fod perthynas rhwng Jan a Mark o ryw fath.
Ma Jan yn teimlo’n euog am berswadio ‘Rachel’ i fynd i dribiwnlys… A Rachel oedd CHWAER JAN. Reeeeeeit…!

Ma’ Caroline yn addo ar ‘fywyd ei phlant’ na ddaw ei brawd Bobo yn agos at eu cartref. Hmm…

Diwrnod arferol arall gyda Caroline a Huw

Os mai ‘Bobo’ fase enw ‘mrawd i, ‘sen i ddim yn moun iddo fe ddod yn agos chwaith.
A nawr ma Huw wedi spotto Mark yn gadael tŷ Jan ac yn cael panic. Ma’r cylch yn cau. Bring it on.

Wel, ma’ heddi’n ddiwrnod o sîns ar y stryd. Ond diolch i sîn fach Beti, ma’r cwestiwn wedi codi rhwng Jan a Richard am ei affêr gyda Rachel, a mae e’n ei wadu’n llwyr…  A wy’n ei gredu e! Beti oedd yn rhoi dou a dou at ei gily’ medde Richard, felly nawr ma’r dirgelwch yn dwfnhau - oes e lawer mwy i’r stori nag oedden ni’n ei feddwl??

Ma’ Ben yn dwed fod Jan yn dweud fod Richard yn dweud fod yr arian yn y sied… Waw.
AC MAI RICHARD OEDD YN BLACMEILIO GRUFF! Ife? A lle mae gweddill yr arian? A nawr ma Beti wedi darganfod y gwenwyn…

Dyma ‘Bobo’… Brawd Caroline. Mae e’n rhydd o’r carchar (jiw jiw ffast turnaround!) ac o bosib ma’ ‘na ddiolch mawr i Huw am hynny. Wpsi… A dyna syrpreis, ma’ Caroline wedi torri’r addewid ‘naeth hi ar fywyd ei phlant. ‘Udishido…

Ma Beti’n brysur gyda’r gacen tail a brethyn i Jan…

Beth yw ‘busnes’ Tony? Dwi’n tybio ‘sa Tony’n neud cystadlwr amêsing ar The Apprentice eleni…

Ma’ pawb yn dweud celwydd wrth ‘i gilydd ar y clos a Jan yng nghanol y wê erbyn hyn. Ar wahan i’r car sy’ newydd rifyrsio dros Tony…
Na, nid Tony ‘druan’… Jyst Tony. Wps.
(kudos, gyda llaw i Rhys ap William sy’n fachan neis o Gwm Tawe sy’n llwyddo i whare bachan mor ychapych â Tony

Ma’ hyn nawr yn gêm o statws a chelwydd… A’r bennod nesa’ yn edrych yn schamazing!

Y cwestiynnau sydd i’w hateb felly:
- Ai Richard oedd yr un oedd wir yn blacmeilio Gruff?
- Lle ma gweddill arian Gruff?
- Pam ddiawl fod Gruff yn cadw jar o wenwyn yn ei sied??
- Richard neu Jan sy’n dweud y gwir am yr affêr?
A fyddwn ni’n gweld nyrs Pat yn gwthio Tony o gwmpas mewn cadair olwyn wythnos nesa…? Chi jyst yn gwbod fydd ganddi'r rigowt perffaith...

"Tony, cariad... Ti'n barod am dy bed bath...?"



7 days earlier…

Tony’s off to a ‘great start’ this week, stirring to perfection by telling Huw the half-truth of how much rent he and Caroline owe on their house. Time for a little chat with wifey…
Apparently, there seems to be a bizarre sgcriptwriters’ rule which dictates: in every Welsh drama series, one character must utter the words “DY FAI DI YW HYN!” (“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”)
And here it is.
According to wifey, Huw’s ‘only choice’ now is to sell those drugs he tucked away in a treestump in Episode One. Personally, I’d have a conversation with HSBC* before resorting to dodgy dealings, but that’s just me
*other banking organisations are also available, each as trustworthy as each other

Poor Pat looks somewhat Cinderella-esque around the house… And she’s in for some disappointment as she learns that Lynda’sbeen lying to her. No! I’m enjoying the sweetness and light of their relationship - I don’t want to lose them from my life.

JAN JAN JAN! Worrew doin’? 
Jan’s  nor’appy with Richard. Call me psychic but I’m working that out from the way she’s pointing that gun at him. Through the bathroom door.
Good drama in the fact I don’t ACTUALLY know whether she’s going to pull the trigger or not - I don’t think anyone’s safe.

6 days earlier…

Yesterday flew by didn’t it? Must have been a Friday.

Huw’s managed to find Tony half of the rent, with the rest coming at the end of the month, apparently. I hope he didn’t get one of those awful pay-day loans with an average interest rate of 3758%. Ouch.


Jan decided it was time to take Welsh drama to the next level...

I’ve just noticed that due to Beti’s sadness and emotional turmoil following Gruff’s death, Ben has became much more stable. He hasn’t touched the origami in weeks. Thankfully.

I actually call my own Mam ‘Betty’, although if she were half as annoyingly talkative as this one I know I’dhave shipped her off to Shady Pines long ago…

Jan’s in a pickle now as Mark (or ‘Lad with Gun’) has followed her back to Crud-yr-Awel and is causing a bit of a scene. AHAAAA… Now then, our suspicions are slowly being confirmed…
Jan feels guilty for persuading HER SISTER, ‘RACHEL’ to go ahead to a tribunal for unfair dismissal against Richard. Riiiiiiiiight…!

Caroline has promised that her newly-released-from-prison brother, Bobo, won’t come near the house. Hmm…

Another barney between Caroline and Huw...

If my brother were called ‘Bobo’, I wouldn’t want him near my house either.
And now Huw’s spotted Mark leaving Jan’s house and is having a panic. The circle’s closing. Bring it on.

Well, today’s quite the day for scenes on the street. Streetscenes. Thanks to Beti’s little scene, the question of Richard and Rachel’s affair, and who’s telling the truth…  And I seem to believe Richard! According to Richard, the whole thing was Beti’s fault as she put two and two together, and got bananas, and so the mystery deepens - is there even more to the story than we thought??

Ben says that Jan says that Richard says that the money’s in the shed. This is how rumours start.
AND THAT IT WAS RICHARD WHO WAS BLACKMAILING GRUFF ALL ALONG! Really? And where’s the rest of the cash? And now Beti’s discovered the poison…

Hello ‘Bobo’… Caroline’s ‘little’ brother. Freed from prison (amazingly fast turnaround - artistic license, eh?) and it looks like Huw is partly responsible for that. Oopsy… And there’s a surprise, Caroline was lying all along, even though she swore on the lives of her children.
She is NOT a good person.

Beti’s busy making Jan a cake. I’ve a feeling Mary Berry wouldn’t approve of her recipe… And I wonder who on Crud-yr-Awel has the soggiest bottom.

What the devil is Tony’s ‘business’? He’s perfect for The Apprentice 2014.

Everybody on this estate is lying to one another, and Jan’s at the centre of the web by now. Oh and look, a car has just reversed over TonyACARHASJUSTREVERSEDOVERTONY!!
I’ll refraim from using the phrase ‘poor’ Tony ‘druan’… If that’s alright.
(Kudos, by the way, to Rhys ap William, who’s actually a nice Swansea valley lad who manages to play Tony as such a… Such a… I have no words).

This is now a game… A game of thro… Err, no, status and deception. And the next episode looks schamazing!

What have we been left to ponder by the end of tonight’s episode:

- Was it really Richard who was blackmailing Gruff? (and why?)
- Where’s the rest of Gruff’s cash?
- Why was Gruff keeping poison in the shed of death??
- Is it Richard or Jan telling the truth about the affair with Rachel?
- Will we be seeing Pat pushing Tony around in a wheelchair next week? You just know she’ll have an outfit for it…

"Tony, love... You ready for your bed bath...?"
