Sunday 13 April 2014




Newyddion gore'r wythnos oedd bwmpo mewn i Siwan Jones na'th greu'r gyfres. Ges i sgwrs neis a 'naeth hi ddim torri'r un o 'mreichie i... Sêl bendith i gario 'mlaen i flogio te!

16 diwrnod yng nghynt...

Jan, Jan, be ‘di dy sgam?
Ma' hi nôl adre yn ei gwisg… Ond pam bo pawb yn cymryd mai flight attendant yw hi? ‘Sneb wedi meddwl am yr opsiwn arall, odyn nhw?

Ma’n edrych felse rhywun wedi gadael i’r gawod i redeg tra bo hi i ffwrdd... Ym Mutlins... A ma’n ymddangos fod un o hen sanau Richard yn plygio’r draen...

'Dwi ddim cweit yn gallu gweithio mas beth yw thema’r parti draw gyda Linda a Tony. Ma’n edrych yn hwyl, ond Pat sy’n ennill y wobr am y wisg ore: 'Memoirs of a Geisha'. Dim esboniad, jyst gwisg ffantastic. Blydi brilliant.

Ma Tony’n sicr â bach o thing am Jan… Siwr fod e’n ei gweld hi fel dipyn o her. Ai dyma’r fenyw gynta i wrthod Tony a’r tan trofanaidd tybed? Falle mai hoff o’r gêm yw e.

RICHARD: “Be ti’n moun i fi weud Sali? So ti ‘di neud dim byd ond conan ers i ni fod ‘ma…”
…Ac ers pennod un gwboi… 
Dyw Sali ddim y fenyw hapusa. A dweud y gwir, ma hi stret allan o Dallas / Dynasty / Knots Landing / Pobol y Cwm / Con Passionate / Teulu... Wel, ch'mo be fi'n feddwl...

HAHAHA! Nos Galan gyda Beti a Gruff. Rêf go iawn. ‘Sdim rhyfedd bo well gan Gruff ishte mas yn y sied yn ticlo’r picl.
Rhaid bo Ben lan stair yn plygu'i pelican yntau.
No pun intended.

Ma Caroline yn gymeriad onest iawn. Onest a chrac. Onest a chrac a ryff. Sai’n moun gweud mai nid hi yw’r llofrudd - mae’n amlwg yn grac ac yn casau Jan - ond sai’n credu bydde lot o obeth gyda hi gadw’r peth yn dawel. Teimlo falle y base hi’n neud tipyn o ddrama am y peth…

AAAH! Creepy creepy Tony wrth y drws ETO… 

35 Diwrnod neu Ghostwatch...?

Ah, wedi dod i checo fod Jan yn ‘oreit’. O Tony… Diolch am roi ‘LOL’ mwya’r gyfres hyd yn hyn i ni: “Ti’n lesbian neu be’?” Wel wrth gwrs Tony bach, sut arall yn y byd bydde hi’n medru gwrthod dyOJIWJIWMAFEWRTHIDACAROLINE! Ma’r ddou ma’ fel dou Jack Russell bach. O leia ma’ nhw’n joio sbo…

"Tony! Tony!"
"Caroline! Caroline!"

15 diwrnod yng nghynt...

‘Smo ni ‘di gweld digon eto o Cerian yn 'y marn i. Druan ohoni, mae’n byw gyda'r rhieni gwaetha ers Home Alone... Na, hang on, dwi'n anghofio am Caroline a Huw... dou riant sy’n casau’u gilydd a’i brawd mawr hi’n ddim lot o gwmni. Beth yw ‘i chyfrinache hi te? 

Gutted. Ma’ Pat wedi colli gwisg y geisha, ond ma'i deinameg hi a Tony yn ffrwydrol. Fi’n moun bod yna pan ma’ popeth yn cico off.
Tu ôl i ffenest gryf.
Mewn riot gear.

Pam bo fi methu darllen perthynas Jan a Richard?? Ma ‘na rywbeth yn mynd ymlaen, ond do’s gen i ddim syniad be! 

Ah, dyma fe… Yr origamifeistr ei hun. Neis i Jan gael ymuno â teulu hapusaf y clos. Jôc. Yn enwedig gan iddi DAFLU cacen gynta Beti’n yfflon i’r bin sbwriel. Ma llaw Ben yn dal i neud dolur ar ôl iddo feddwl mai pice ar y mân oedd e wythnos dwetha’. O leia gyda’i law mewn rhwymyn fydd ‘na lai o compulsive origami’n digwydd. ‘Sna ddim lle ar gyfer yr un garan arall ar y nenfwd.


10 diwrnod yng nghynt...

NA!! Pwy sy ‘di mynd?! Fflipin ec, Beti sy’n sefyll dros yr arch, ond arch pwy? Wel, mae’n ymddangos na fydd yr hen Gruff yn defnyddio’i siswrn fawr i wneud llawdriniaeth o unryw fath. Dyma gael gwared ar un o’r rhai dan amheuaeth… Ond eto i gyd, gyda Beti wedi rhoi gymaint o bwysau ar Ben i fod yn neis wrth / denu Jan, a fydd marwolaeth ei dad yn gwthio Ben i wneud rhybeth byrbwyll?
(na, nid dysgu sut ma neud brogaod o bapur).
Ond hefyd nawr, gyda laptop Gruff wedi’i losgi’n ddeilchion, a newn ni ddarganfod pwy ddiawl oedd yn bygwth datgelu’u luniau?

Well there’s a turnup for the books… Jan yn cynnig lifft i Tony?? Paid a chodi dy… Obeithion gwboi…

Richard - be ti’n neud yn sied Gruff? Ha! ‘Se ti’n gwbod be fydde Gruff yn arfer neud baset ti ddim yn ishte lawr mor gyfforddus yna.

Www nawr te diolch i Alex, cyn-wraig/bartner Ben, y’n ni’n cael ychydig mwy o wirionedd am Beti. Be sy’n mynd ymlaen o dan yr arwyneb siaradus, sidêt yna?

Dyma Huw yn cyrraedd adre ar ôl ei wrandawiad yn y gwaith. Sai’n credu fod newyddion da gydag e. Dim ond dyfalu. Os yw e’n ddyn despret (a c’mon, ma’r boi yn briod â Caroline) wedyn pwy a wyr pa mor anghyson fydd e? Y’n ni’n gwbod yn barod nad yw e’n ffan o Jan…

Beth y’n ni wedi’i ddysgu’r wythnos hon?
- Gafodd Richard affêr yn y gwaith, ond yn bwysicach fyth, mi gyflawnodd y ferch hunan-laddiad wedi hynny. Pa effaith gafodd hynna ar Richard, a sut ma Jan mor wybodus am yr holl beth? JYST drwy’r papur newydd?
- Nid Gruff laddodd Jan… Ond pa effaith geith ei farwolaeth ar Ben a Beti, ac a gaiff Jan y bai am wirioneddau a ddatgelir wedi hyn i gyd?
- Tybed a fydd rhwystredigaeth rhywiol Tony'r teigr yn arwain at ffrwydrad ffrywiol*?

*ddim yn air go iawn ond o'n i'n rili joio'r cyflythrennu.



Hola! The big news of the week was bumping into Siwan Jones, having a lovely short chat and leaving with no broken limbs. I shall take that as a blessing to continue blogging about the series...!

16 days earlier...

Jan, Jan, what's your scam?
She's back 'home' in her uniform... But why does everybody assume that she's a flight attendant? Nobody's yet thought of the other OBVIOUS option, have they?

Uh-oh it seems somebody left the shower running whilst Jan was away... In Butlins... And it looks as though the drain was blocked by one of Richard's old socks...

I can't quite work out the theme behind the party at Linda and Tony's. Looks fun, but Pat definitely wins the fancy dress competition with her 'Memoirs of a Geisha'. No explanation, just one fantastic get-up. Bloody brilliant.

Tony definitely has a bit of a thing for Jan… Probably sees her as somewhat of a challenge. Is she the first woman to turn down his tropical tan? I'll bet he just likes the chase.

RICHARD: “What do you want me to say Sali? You haven't done anything but complain since we got here…”
…Or since episode one mate… 
Sali's not the happiest lady. And thinking about it, her sultry looks are straight out of Dallas / Dynasty / Knots Landing...
I might try sending her some shoulderpads, make her feel more at home.

HAHAHA! New Years Eve with Beti and Gruff. An absolute rave. Little wonder Gruff prefers to spend his time in the shed sanding his wood.
Ben must be upstairs alone folding his crane.
No puns intended.

Caroline's a very honest character. Not 'truthful' honest, but 'upfront' honest. Honest and angry. Honest and angry and rough. I don't want to suggest that she didn't murder Jan - she quite obviously hates her - I just don't believe Caroline could keep it particularly quiet. Would probably manage to make quite a spectacle of it all…

AAAH! Creepy creepy Tony's at the door AGAIN… 

35 Diwrnod does Ghostwatch...

Ah, he's come to check that Jan is ‘alright’ following her winey run-in with Caroline.
Probably happens all the time in Butlins, mind.
Oh Tony… Thank you for the biggest ‘LOL’ of the series so far: “You a lesbian or wha'?” Well of course Tony bach, how the devil else could we explain the fact that she doesn't want to haveOJIWJIWHESATITWITHCAROLINE! They're like... Well, at least they seem to be enjoying themselves…

"Tony! Tony!"
"Caroline! Caroline!"

15 days earlier...

I don't think we've seen enough of Cerian yet. Poor thing, she has to live with the worst parents since Home Alone... No, hang on, I'm forgetting Caroline and Huw... Two parents who pretty much hate each other, and her older brother who isn't great company. What are Cerian's secrets?

Gutted. Pat's lost her geisha outfit. Hers and Tony's dynamic is explosive. I want to be there in the thick of it when it all kicks off between them.
Behind bullet-proof glass.
In riot gear.

Why can't I read Jan and Richard's relationship?? Something's going on (state the obvious) but I really can't tell what!

Ah, here he is… Origami king. Nice to see Jan has joined the happiest family on the estate for tea. Joke. Especially seeing how she THREW Beti's first cake unceremoniously into the rubbish bin. Ben's hand's still bandaged up after he thought it was a Welsh cake last week and cooked it on the stove. At least with his hand wrapped up there'll be a little less compulsive origami - there's not a square inch left on the ceiling for another bloody crane.


10 days earlier...

NO!! Who's gone?! Flippin' 'eck, Beti's stood over the coffin but whose is it? Well, it seems Gruff won't be using his garden shears to perform intimate surgery on anybody. One suspect down… But then again, with Beti putting pressure on Ben to be nice / spend time with Jan, will his father's death push Ben to place blame?
Also, with Gruff's laptop burned to a crisp, will we ever discover who was blackmailing him?

Well there’s a turnup for the books… Jan offering Tony a lift?? Don't get your err… 'hopes' up there gwboi…

Richard - what are you doing in Gruff's shed? Ha! If you had any idea what Gruff used to do in that chair, I'm not sure you'd be getting so comfy.

Ooh now thanks to Alex, Ben's ex, we get another opinion on Beti. What's really going on under that sedate, calm exterior?

Here's Huw arriving home following his work hearing. I don't think it's good news. I'm a little psychic. If he's a desperate man (and c’mon, he's married to Caroline), who knows how unbalanced he might get. We already know that he's hugely suspicious of Jan…

What have we learned this week?
- Richard had an affair at work, but more importantly the girl involved killed herself after suing for wrongful dismissal. What effect did this have on Richard exactly, and how is Jan so informed on it all? JUST from a newspaper? Too fishy...
- Gruff didn't murder Jan… But what effect will his death have on Ben and Beti, and will Jan be accused of any truths which come to light following the sad events?
- Will Tony the tiger's sexual prowess lead to any explosive events?

You decide.

Sorry, no, wrong programme.
