Sunday 20 April 2014




9 diwrnod yng nghynt…

Jan, Jan, ble mae dy dan?

Wel, fel ‘air hostess’ (neu rep Butlins) ‘sech chi’n meddwl ei bod hi’n dala BACH o liw haul…?
Y’n ni’n dechre gweld fod ‘na gysylltiad cryf rhwng Jan â Richard… Ond bo ni ddim yn siwr beth yw ei natur eto. Wythnos dwetha mi oedd Jan yn dangos cryn dipyn o ddiddordeb yn ei chymydog a’i hanes… Wedi dweud hynna ‘dwi’n neud rywbeth tebyg, ond ‘sgen i ddim cyfrinachau… O na… Dim byd…

Cerys yw enw’r ferch fach ry’n ni wedi’i gweld yn lluniau Jan - ei merch hi yw hi tybed? Neu ryw gysylltiad llai amlwg? Ma Jan yn cael brecwast gyda dyn ifanc - dyn sy’n disgwyl am ei swyddog profiannaeth (ie - probêshyn), a phwyntiau bonws os gofioch chi pwy yw hwn… Ie! Y dyn ifanc welon ni yn rhoi’r parsel i Huw yn y bennod gyntaf! Jiw ma hwn fel join the dots go iawn. A nawr mae e wedi derbyn parsel ei hun.

Dirgelwch newydd i ni: ma’ gan Jan wisg nyrs neu ryw fath o staff feddygol ymlaen nawr…

Am y resymau cywir, ‘dwi ffili help ond chwerthin pan wela’i Pat… NID chwerthin am ei phen, dwi’n hynod falch o ddweud, ond chwerthin gyda'r disgwylgarwch o beth wedith hi wrth Tony heddiw…? Ma Pat yn iawn - ma Tony wedi codi’n gynnar, ond ife fe oedd y cysgod digon shady welon ni’n cripan yn crîpî o gwmpas cartref Jan?

O’r diwedd ma’ Ben wedi dechre archwilio manylion ariannol Gruff… Ac wedi darganfod fod yna arian ar goll! Ma Ben a Beti wrthi’n ceisio darganfod be’ ddigwyddodd i’r £4500 dynnodd Gruff o’r banc, ond beth alle fe fod wedi neud ag e?
Car ail-law?
Gwylie i’r Seychelles?
Upgrade i’r sied?

Wedes i bo Cerian yn gymeriad fach ddiddorol, do? Mae’n byw reit yng nghanol un o brif ddirgelwc… ddirgelych… Mistyrîs y gyfres. Hi nawr yw’r ditectif sy’n mynd ati i ddarganfod y gwirionedd tu ôl achos llys Richard. ‘Dwi’n tybio mai drwy ei harchwilio hi y down ni i wybod y gwirionedd.

“Sori Caroline, ti oedd yn iawn…” - y linell doedd neb yn ei ddisgwyl.
Ma’ Huw a Caroline yn amlwg wedi nabod ei gilydd ers amser maith iawn, ers ysgol yn ôl eu sgwrs.

Sali… Wedi gwahodd Jan draw am swper… Nawr ma hynna’n annisgwyl. Dyw’r drafodaeth ddim yn llifo’n hawdd yna odyw e? Tybio mai ‘3’ base nhw’n cael ar Come Dine With Me. Os yn lwcus. Ma Cerian yn amlwg yn anesmwyth, ond ma’r tŷ yma mor llawn eliffantod ym mhob ystafell ma’n anodd dechre sgwrs o gwbwl… A ma hi “wedi neud rhwbeth ofnadw…” BETH?! GWED BETH!

8 diwrnod yng nghynt…

Diwrnod y shoot i Pat a Lynda. Weden i y base diwrnod allan gyda’r ddwy ma’n yffach o laff. Os nad oes sgôp i gael ail gyfres o 35 Diwrnod wedyn wy o leia’n gobeithio neith S4C fuddsoddi mewn cyfres dditectif newydd gyda Pat a Lynda…

£6400!! Mae ar Caroline £6400 i Tony, ac wrth ei sŵn hi, dyw Tony ddim yn hapus gyda’u ‘trefniant’ ragor.

Wedi gweld gymaint yn dalach ma’ Pat na Tony, falle mai small man syndrome sydd ar Tony. Taldra, hynny yw… Ahem…

O Beti… Do’dd dy dŷ di ddim yn ddigon od gyda gor-origami-eiddio Ben, ti hefyd wedi neud i’r gegin edrych fel teyrnged i ‘Child’s Play’. Weloch chi erioed unrywbeth mwy sinistr yn eich byw??

Arhoses i mewn B&B yn Nhywyn unwaith oedd â chasgliad tebyg mewn cabinet ar ben y stair.
Fydda’i ddim yn rhuthro nôl yna.

Beth bynnag yw hanes Richard a Jan, dyw hi’n amlwg ddim wedi’i bygwth ganddo, neu fel arall mae’n llwyddo i guddio hynna’n eithriadol, ond hefyd dyw Richard ddim wedi’i fygwth ganddi hithe, felly BETH SY’N BLINCIN DIGWYDD RHYNGON NHW?!

O Tony… Na, na, na…! Wy’ wir yn gobeithio y daw rhywun yn iachawdwr i drigolion Crud-yr-Awel, oblegid ma pawb ar bach o self-destruct ar y foment… ‘Dwi ddim yn hollol siwr sut neith unrywun bara’n fyw tan bennod 8 ar hyn o bryd, ma’ ‘na gymint o densiwn.

Ma’n debyg bo ‘Roger’, cyfarwyddwr gwaith Pat a Lynda wedi cael gwared ar Pat wedi iddo gynnig rhoi’r jobyn actio iddi. Paid â phoeni, Patricia fach, nes i weithio gyda chyfarwyddwr o’r enw Roger o’r blaen - na’th e fynnu fy ngalw i’n A-Laugharne*. Falle taw’r un boi yw e.
*stori hollol wir

Dyw Ben braidd yn medru agor drws ‘i lofft oherwydd adar orifflipingami, tra bo’i fam yn iste yng nghanol y dolie… Yn gweu… Dyw’r broses alaru ddim wedi bod yn garedig iddyn nhw…

Draw yn y llofrudd-dy, ma’ Jan yn iste’n dawel yn llefen yn y lolfa, nepell o’r man lle fydd ei chorff yn gorwedd ymhen 8 diwrnod. Richard yw’r un sy’n dod i’w chysuro.

A nawr, Jan fach, ti ‘di ychwanegu arf newydd i’r bwrdd Cliw, do?


  • Me Beti druan ar ben ei thennyn a chyda lolfa llawn doliau digon disturbing i roi siom farwol i unrywun… Fel Jan…
  • Ma’ Cerian yn dod i wybod cyfrinachau’r teulu’n ara deg, ond faint o ddicter mae’n cuddio dan yr arwyneb?
  • Ma’ gan Tony dipyn o obsesiwn gyda Jan, ond heb i ni weld, ai denu’n agosach neu ei rybuddio i ffwrdd am byth ‘naeth Jan?
  • Beth oedd party trick Sali
  • Poor Beti is at the end of her tether, surrounded by a loungefull of dolls, terrifying enough to give anyone a fatal shock… Jan, for instance…
  • Cerian has come to know more of her family’s secrets, but how much anger and frustration is bubbling away beneath the surface?
  • Tony seems to have a strange obsession with Jan, but having not seen what really happened, did she draw him closer or warn him off forever?
  • What was Sali’s party trick after the dinner party…? Theyr’e keeping us guessing…

Be' am drydar eich sylwadau:


9 days earlier…

Jan, Jan, where’s yer tan?

Well, as an ‘air hostess’ (or Butlins rep - you decide) you’d think that she’d seem a little more sunkissed…?
We’re beginning to see that there’s a strong connection between Jan and Richard… But we’re certainly not sure what that connection is yet. Last week Jan certainly showed great interest in her neighbour and his story. Saying that, I’m partial to a bit of street-watching myself. I call it neighbourhood watch. Some call it curtain-twitching. Again… You decide!

The little girl we’ve seen in a picture or two is Cerys - but is she Jan’s daughter or something a little more obscure? Jan’s having breakfast with  young man who’s awaiting his probation officer… Bonus points if you can remember spotting him before.
Yes, we saw him handing over a package in the woods to Huw in episode one… And now he’s having his own package delivered. Royal Mail are missing out on a fortune from this guy.

Ooh a new mystery: Jan now seems to be wearing a nurse’s / medical uniform. I hope she’s not continuing Gruff’s eagerness to perform rudimentary surgery using gardening equipment…

For all the right reasons, I simply can’t help chuckling when I see Pat… Beofre I’m lynched for being a transphobe (which, I assure you, I am not) I don’t laugh AT her, I simply chuckle in anticipation of her run-ins with Tony. Pat’s right here - Tony is up early today, but is that because was the shady character we saw creeping creepily around Jan’s home, I wonder?

At last Ben has started inspecting Gruff’s financial matters, and has discovered that there’s cash missing! Ben and Beti are busy working out what he could have done with the missing £4500, but are they weighing up the realistic options? Did he:
Buy a second-hand car?
Get a holiday to the Seychelles?
Upgrade the shed?

I SAID that Cerian was one to watch, didn’t I? She lives right in the middle of one of the great mysteries of the series, and no, not ‘does Sali only smile when she farts’. She’s now playing detective and looking into the court case brought against Richard, her dad.I’m thinking we might just get to the truth through Cerian’s investigations.

“Sorry Caroline, you were right…” - the line no-one expected to hear. Ever.
Huw and Caroline have obviously known each other for a very long time, since school, but I’d question Caroline’s methods of keeping the relationship fresh. Through Tony.

Sali… Seems to have invited… Jan… Over for supper… Zounds. That’s unexpected. The couversation isn’t exactly flowing there. They’d be low scorers on Come Dine With Me. Cerian’s very uncomfortable and excuses herself. In fairness, this house has so many elephants in each room I’m surprised they can even see each other… And Cerian has apparently “done something terrible…” I hope she hasn’t booked Sali in for surgery to implant a smile.

8 days earlier…

It’s the day of the big shoot for Pat and Lynda. These two are so much fun, I’d love a day out with them. I’m thinking, if there isn’t a second series of 35 Diwrnod then at the very least S4C could consider commissioning a spin-off detective series for them…

£6400!! Caroline owes Tony £6400, and by the sound of it Tony’s no longer happy with their ‘arrangement’.

Having seen how much taller Pat is than Tony, it’s quite possible that he’s suffering from small man syndrome. With regards to height. Obviously…

Oh Beti… As if the house didn’t look odd enough filled with Ben’s overorigami-ing, you’ve also made the kitchen look like a scene from ‘Child’s Play’. Did you ever see anything so sinister in your life??

I stayed in a B&B in Tywyn once. They had a colleciton of those dolls in a glass cabinet at the top of the stairs.
I shan’t be returning.

Whatever Richard and Jan’s history, she doesn’t seem at all threatened by him, or else is able to hide her fear well, but neither does Richard seem threatened by her so WHAT THE DEUCE IS GOING ON BETWEEN THEM?!

Oh Tony… No, no, no…! You’re crap at Hide & Seek. 

I truly hope that a saviour comes to Crud-yr-Awel, for everyone seems on self-destruct at the moment… There’s so much tension in the air I’m not sure anyone will last the whole 8 episodes.

Ir seems ‘Roger’, Pat and Lynda’s director has gotten rid of Pat, even after offering her the cating gig. Apparently. Don’t you worry, Patricia love, I worked with a director named Roger before - he insisted on calling me A-Laugharne*. Might be the same guy.
*true story

Ben can barely open his bedroom door due to oribloodygami, whilst his mother sits quietly amongst the dolls… Knitting… The grieveing process really hasnt been easy for them.

Over in the murder house (to be!) Jan sits in the corner crying quietly, inches from the spot where her body will lay in only 8 days’ time. Richard is the one who comes to comfort her. She’s hiding something. I wonder what actually happened during her encounter with Tony??

And now, Jan dear, you seem to have added a little ammunition to the cluedo board…

And so:

  • Poor Beti is at the end of her tether, surrounded by a loungefull of dolls, terrifying enough to give anyone a fatal shock… Jan, for instance…
  • Cerian has come to know more of her family’s secrets, but how much anger and frustration is bubbling away beneath the surface?
  • Tony seems to have a strange obsession with Jan, but having not seen what really happened, did she draw him closer or warn him off forever?
  • What was Sali’s party trick after the dinner party…? Theyr’e keeping us guessing…
Fancy tweeting your comments?
